
ArunaSocial Ventures LLP

Privacy Policy Last updated: 12.06.23

At ArunaSocial Ventures, we value your concerns about online privacy & security while browsing at our website. We make every effort to guarantee that the information you provide will not be misused. If for some reason the following privacy and security policy does not answer your questions, please contact us. We value your feedback and look forward to improving our services to better meet your needs. This Privacy Policy describes how ArunaSocial Ventures manage personal information and respect your privacy. This policy may be amended from time to time. The date of the most recent revision will appear at the top of this page.


I. This Privacy Policy is published in accordance with the provisions of the Information Technology Act, 2000 and the rules made thereunder that require publishing the rules and regulations, privacy policy and terms of use for access or usage of our Website (the “Website”).

II The Website is owned, registered and operated by “ArunaSocial Ventures LLP” (the “Company”), a company registered under the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 (bearing CIN: LLPIN ABB-1453) and having its registered office at B -1 / H 3, Mohan Co-operative Industrial Area, Mathura Road, New Delhi 110044.

I. This Privacy Policy is published in accordance with the provisions of the Information Technology Act, 2000 and the rules made thereunder that require publishing the rules and regulations, privacy policy and terms of use for access or usage of our Website (the “Website”).

IV. For the purpose of this Privacy Policy, wherever the context so requires “you“, “your” or “user” shall mean the subscriber to the Website or any others accessing the Website, The term “we”, “us”, “our” shall mean the Company. All the terms and conditions with respect to: (i) licensing and usage of the Website; (ii) privacy practices; (iii) intellectual property rights; (iv) representation and warranties with respect to the website; ( (v) limitations and disclaimers; (vi) termination; (vii) and such other terms and conditions in relation to the Website, shall be governed by the Terms of Use.

V. FWe reserve the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy at any time. Any such modifications will become effective immediately upon posting to the Website and your continued use of the Website and/or the services rendered through the Website, constitutes your agreement to such modifications. You agree to periodically review the current version of the Privacy Policy as posted on the Website.


Personal Information that is collected as you use the Website includes the information that can be used to uniquely identify or contact you. We may collect a variety of Personal Information from you, including your name, phone number, e-mail address, and organisation name. You hereby agree and acknowledge that the abovementioned Personal Information is provided by you at your own freewill.


I. The Company does not sell, trade, or rent or disclose your Personal Information to any third party. However, the Company cannot fully ensure that such information will not be disclosed to third parties. For example, we may be legally obligated to disclose information to the government or regulatory authorities or third parties under certain circumstances, or third parties may circumvent the Company’s security measures to unlawfully intercept or access transmissions or private communications, or an error may occur in the administration of the Website. In the unlikely event that the Company needs to investigate or resolve possible problems or inquiries, we may, and you authorize the Company to, disclose any information about you to government officials as permitted by Applicable Law. For the purposes of this Privacy Policy document, “Applicable Law” shall mean, any statute, law, regulation, ordinance, rule, judgment, notification, rule of common law, order, decree, bye-law, government approval, directive, guideline, requirement or other governmental restriction, or any similar form of decision of, or determination by, or any interpretation, policy or administration, having the force of law of any of the foregoing, by any authority in India having jurisdiction over the matter in question, whether in effect as of the date of these Privacy Policy or thereafter.

II. We reserve the right to disclose any Personal Information and/or Sensitive Personal Information as required by Applicable Law and when we believe, at our sole discretion that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights, protect someone from injury and/or to comply with a judicial proceeding, court order, or legal process served on our Website.

III. If the Company becomes involved in a merger, acquisition, or any form of sale of some or all of its assets, personal information will be transferred to the new entity for the continued performance of services rendered through the Website.

IV. Notwithstanding the provisions of Applicable Law, we may disclose your Personal Website if: (a) we have received your consent for such disclosure; (b) when we believe in good faith that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights; (c) to protect your rights and safety; or (d) to investigate fraud or respond to a government, judicial or other legal requests.


Company provides all its users with the opportunity to opt-out of receiving any communications from us or on behalf of our partners. If you want to remove your contact information from all our lists, you may click the “unsubscribe” link/tab at the bottom of the email communication you receive from us.


We retain any Personal Information and Sensitive Personal Information that you may have provided to us, for as long as you avail services through the Website, and for a reasonable time thereafter.


I. The Website uses temporary cookies, which are files that your web browser puts on your system when you visit the Website, to store certain information. The information collected through these cookies is used by us for the technical administration of the Website, research and development, and to improve the quality of our services rendered through the Website. II. We may use third party cookies to track visitor behaviour and to improve the quality of our services. However, such cookies shall not store any kind of personal information, nor shall such information be disclosed to any third party. III. These cookies are intended to be automatically cleared or deleted when the user quits the browser application. You are encouraged to use the “clear cookies” functionality of your browser to ensure such clearing/deletion, since it is impossible for us to guarantee, predict or provide for the behaviour of your system. IV. The information we collect with cookies is not sold, rented, or shared with any third parties


We have implemented industry standard security policies, rules and technical measures, as required under applicable law in India in order to protect any kind of personal sensitive information that we have under our control from unauthorized access. You should know, however, that the Company cannot fully eliminate such risks.


Under no circumstances shall we be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages, including, but not limited to, loss of data or profit, arising out of the use, or the inability to use the Website or any portion thereof, by any person, including employees and contracted personnel of the Company.


This Privacy policy is limited to the personal data collected by ArunaSocial Ventures. We do provide links within this site to other websites, including social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and LinkedIn. If you follow these links, you should use these sites in conjunction with their applicable user and privacy notices as their data practices fall outside the scope of this Privacy Policy. Further, we can have no responsibility for or control over the information collected by any third-party website and we cannot be responsible for the protection and privacy of any information which you may provide on such websites.


This Privacy Policy shall be governed by and constructed in accordance with the laws of India, without reference to conflict of laws principles. The courts in New Delhi shall have exclusive jurisdiction to determine any disputes arising in relation to, or under, the terms of this Privacy Policy. You agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts in New Delhi and agree to waive any and all objections to the exercise of jurisdiction over the parties by such courts.


If you have any questions about this Privacy Notice, our approach to privacy, you can write to us at