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The growth and prosperity of all economies remains highly dependent on entrepreneurial activity. Entrepreneurs are the essence of economic growth as they provide a source of income and employment for themselves, create employment for others, produce new and innovative products or services, and drive greater upstream and downstream value-chain activities.
Women entrepreneurship in India holds immense potential for both economic and social empowerment of women, while contributing to sustainable development. Yet, despite significant strides, women entrepreneurship development faces challenges. Access to finance, societal barriers, lack of relevant training and mentorship remain hurdles. Tackling these problems faced by women entrepreneurs is crucial to unlocking their full potential and promoting inclusive growth. Empowering these women entrepreneurs through targeted initiatives can unlock a wave of positive change. By providing skill development, financial support, and networking opportunities, we equip them to contribute meaningfully to sustainable development. Their businesses can create employment, address social issues, and contribute significantly to the development of underprivileged communities. Ultimately, investing in women entrepreneurship development isn't just about economic growth; it's about building a more inclusive and equitable society where everyone has the chance to thrive.
The development of micro-enterprises holds paramount importance in the overall economic landscape, particularly due to the pivotal role they play in generating employment opportunities for underserved communities. Micro-enterprises, often small-scale businesses, contribute significantly to economic growth by fostering entrepreneurship and creating jobs where they are needed most. These enterprises empower individuals in marginalized communities by offering them a chance to become self-reliant and economically independent. The development of micro-enterprises not only stimulates local economies but also addresses unemployment challenges by providing sustainable livelihoods. By focusing on the growth and sustainability of micro-enterprises, there is a direct and positive impact on poverty alleviation and community development. Therefore, recognizing and supporting the development of micro-enterprises is crucial for fostering inclusive economic growth and ensuring that underserved communities have access to the transformative power of entrepreneurship.

Impact Model
Identification of potential Women Entrepreneurs
Mentoring, counselling and induction into the training process
Capacity buillding through Basic Skills Training(BST) and Advanced Skills Training(AST)
Selection of potential entrepreneurs for Business and Entrepreneurship Training(BET)
Ideation and feasibility test of Business model
Financial support for product development through returnable grants
Creation of nano/micro- enterprise and ensuring adherence to regulatory compliances
Seed capital infusion through returnable grants
Establishing market linkages for business start-up
Incubation support through advanced training in sales, marketing and enterprise management
Development of processes for scale up of nano/micro- enterprise
Working capital infusion for scale up of enterprise through returnable grants
Creation of sustainability model through training in quality assurance, new product development and innovation
Establishing sustainable livelihood generation opportunities through a self- supporting ecosystem of Women led enterprises
Development of economically and socially empowered women who can be role models within the community and in the country

WomenPower Chronicles
by Aruna Social Ventures
Watch these carefully curated collection of videos which celebrate the remarkable journeys of women and youth as they kickstart their own enterprises and careers.
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by ArunaSocial Ventures"
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Impact Model
Identification of potential Women Entrepreneurs
Mentoring, counselling and induction into the training process
Capacity buillding through Basic Skills Training(BST) and Advanced Skills Training(AST)
Selection of potential entrepreneurs for Business and Entrepreneurship Training(BET)
Ideation and feasibility test of Business model
Financial support for product development through returnable grants
Creation of nano/micro- enterprise and ensuring adherence to regulatory compliances
Seed capital infusion through returnable grants
Establishing market linkages for business start-up
Incubation support through advanced training in sales, marketing and enterprise management
Development of processes for scale up of nano/micro- enterprise
Working capital infusion for scale up of enterprise through returnable grants
Creation of sustainability model through training in quality assurance, new product development and innovation
Establishing sustainable livelihood generation opportunities through a self- supporting ecosystem of Women led enterprises
Development of economically and socially empowered women who can be role models within the community and in the country

WomenPower Chronicles
by Aruna Social Ventures
Watch these carefully curated collection of videos which celebrate the remarkable journeys of women and youth as they kickstart their own enterprises and careers.