
Support our Entrepreneurs

Motivate and support our entrepreneurs by providing financial support for business start-up / scale up through nano grants, amounting to a maximum of INR 5000 per entrepreneur. Break-up of grant utilization shall be provided to the sponsor.


Mentor our Entrepreneurs

Support in the development of ethical and capable women entrepreneurs by guiding and mentoring them in establishing and running their nano/micro enterprises. Based on your area of interest and expertise you will be connected with the relevant entrepreneur's.


Purchase products from our Women led enterprises

Encourage our women entrepreneurs by recognising their efforts and purchasing products from their enterprises. Purchase of products could be at an individual or at corporate level. You can connect with us to know more about the products being manufactured by our women entrepreneurs currently.


Support our Enterprises

Contribute to the development of nano/micro-enterprises by sponsoring or providing essential equipment and machinery. The sponsorship amount will be directly used by the enterprises for purchase of equipment/machinery and relevant bills shall be provided to the sponsor for the entire amount. You can also support the enterprises by contributing towards their working capital requirement.


Training Support

Train our entrepreneurs in business, managerial and technical skills. Support them in transforming their nano/micro-enterprises into competitive, well managed and successful business entities. Training support could be in areas such as product development, branding, sales, technology, social media marketing etc.


Support our Social Impact Centre

Partner with us on our mission to empower women from disadvantaged communities through training and development of women entrepreneurs by contributing to the program interventions at our Social Impact Centre. Support can be provided in the form of funding or through in-kind donation of equipment, furniture, training infrastructure etc.

If you wish to support us, we would love to hear from you. Please drop us an email at mentioning your area of interest and how you would like to support our endeavour and we will get back to you at the earliest.